EventInfra supports these organisations
- Armitum Media & ICT: WolfLAN (NL - gaming events)
- backspace e.V.: IGER (DE - hacking events)
- Binary Kitchen e.V.: EasterHegg (DE - hacking events)
- BornHack IVS: BornHack (DK - hacking events)
- C.S.R. Delft: LAN-party CSR Delft (NL - gaming events)
- Campus Symposium Iserlohn: Campus Symposium (DE - educational events)
- CCC events: Chaos Communication Congress, Chaos Communication Camp (DE - hacking events)
- CCC Hamburg: EasterHegg (DE - hacking\ events)
- CCC Hamburg: EasterHegg (DE - hacking events)
- CCC Wien: Håck-ma's-Castle (AT - hacking events)
- CCNV Harderwijk: CCNV LAN-party (NL - gaming events)
- Computerfreunde Karlsdorf-Neuthard e.V.: CXT (DE - gaming events)
- Connect2Trust: CTF (NL - hacking events)
- Digitales Gesellschaft e.V.: HiP Berlin (DE - hacking events)
- Duh Events: The Party, CampZone (NL - gaming events)
- Electromagnetic Field Ltd: Electromagnetic Field (UK - hacking & making events)
- Elektrotechnische Studievereniging Thor: Teslan (NL - gaming events)
- Entropia e.V.: Gulaschprogrammiernacht (DE - hacking events)
- Eventpartner David Scholtes: LANARAMA (DE - gaming events)
- Formula Student Germany e.V.: Formula Student (DE - racing events)
- Freifunk Regensburg e.V.: misc (DE - various events)
- Fri3d VZW: Fri3d Camp (BE - hacking events)
- Hackerspace Bielefeld: misc (DE - hacking events)
- Hackerspace.Gent VZW: Hack in this Space, NEWLINE (BE - hacking events)
- Hackover e.V.: Hackover (DE - hacking events)
- HaxoGreen: HaxoGreen (LU - hacking events)
- IN-Chemnitz e.V.: Linux Tage (DE - open-source events)
- Keep Ukraine Connected: various (UA - misc events)
- Land Rover Club Holland: Land Rover Club Holland jubileum (NL - car events)
- Nederlandse Publieke Omroep: Serious Request (NL - charity events)
- Nerd2Nerd e.V.: Easterhegg (DE - hacking events)
- Nikhef/Nifhack: Equadiff & more (NL - hacking/math/physics events)
- NumFOCUS: PyData (DE - software development events)
- OpenBSD: misc (DE - various events)
- PvIB: Platform voor informatiebeveiliging: pen.test (NL - security events)
- QGIS Gebruikersgroep Nederland: QGIS Contributor Meeting (NL - software development events)
- Quickborn AK: Silvestertagung (DE - scouting events)
- Schiller-LAN e.V.: Schiller-LAN (DE - gaming events)
- Scouting Nederland: Scout-In, Roverway, Nawaka (NL - scouting events)
- Stichting Benelux Speedrunner Gathering: Benelux Speedrunner Gathering (NL - gaming events)
- Stichting Burning Man The Netherlands: Burning Man NL (NL - misc events)
- Stichting Connected Freedom: HackerHotel, Copynite (NL - gaming & hacking events)
- Stichting Eem on ice: Winterparadijs Eemplein Amersfoort (NL - misc events)
- Stichting Esports Engineers: Double Shot (NL - gaming events)
- Stichting eth0: eth0 (NL - hacking events)
- Stichting Fantasieland: Fantasieland (NL - scouting events)
- Stichting Graceland Festival: Graceland Festival (NL - art events)
- Stichting Haarlem Jamborette: Haarlem Jamborette (NL - scouting events)
- Stichting Hack42: Beehive 4.2 Borrel (NL - hacking events)
- Stichting Hobbyserver: LowLan (NL - gaming events)
- Stichting IFCAT: OHM2013, SHA2017, MCH2022, WHY2025 (NL - hacking events)
- Stichting MakeFest: HackFest (NL - hacking events)
- Stichting NCO Arnhem & Nationaal Noodnet: misc (NL - museum events)
- Stichting NLNOG: NLNOG (NL - Network Operator events)
- Stichting T.I.M.E.S: TiMeS (NL - gaming events)
- Stichting TalentIT Twente: Wirwar LAN (NL - gaming events)
- Stichting The Lantastic: The Lantastic (NL - gaming events)
- Stichting The Reality: The Reality (NL - gaming events)
- Studievereniging GEWIS: NWERC (NL - programming events)
- Studievereniging via: Voorondes BAPC & APC (NL - programming events)
- SugarLAN Events VZW: SugarLAN (BE - gaming events)
- Tanzsportverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.: DanceComp (DE - dancing events)
- Tastatur und Maus e.V.: Revision (DE - demoparty events)
- Teckids e.V.: FrogLabs (DE - free software events)
- VCP e.V.: VCP (DE - scouting events)